Hello, my name is Natasha. It is but a name though it has my identity attatched to it. I much prefer the name Distortika-Infantika as it means more than 'Natasha'.
Anyway, I shall continue. As a human does I ponder on the existance of things and the things that could exist.
If we had remained hunters and gatherers without the dependance of technology would it make us any better?
- I personally believe that is so as we wouldn't have to attempt to undo the mess we created or make it worse and we would respect our environment better. Though despite our damaging existance I think humans are a pretty amazing species.
War - A cause of agony and destruction? Or A rightious act of defending one's country?
- If it were up to me, if I was some sort of reality-bender or god I would abolish it though I am meerly one human being in a world of many. To me war itself should not exist, too many people gladly sacrificing their lives for another's hate, however, as long as one man/woman wants or hates it will continue. Despite my negative view on it the act of defending one's country I respect a great deal - I mean, to put your life before everything you love is an incredible act which I admire and question whether I would do so myself! So, I believe it is both a negative and but rightious.
Are there other universes, if so what are they like?
- I personally believe that there are other universes with perhaps the same logics: gravity, breathing, nutritian as essentials just like our universe but with different creatures, perhaps centaurs, fauns, unicorns and fairies, or maybe lands of peaceful beings or possibly war-ridden civilasations of horned beasts and any more amazing possiblities you can imagine! - This list of amazingcould be endless!
_Perhaps there are universes where their logic would seem strange to us - water spirals around into the sky, people walk on the sky, grass grows from our minds, we speak by changing the colour of our eyes.
Though, there could be very basic but beautiful (I think) universes with endless spaces of black or cream or colourless with many tiny and maybe bigger coloured particles floating around in this space forever until its universe collapses! And if they bumped into each other it wouldn't matter, they feel no hate, no joy, no life they just float around without thinking about anything! I would imagine that to float with them would be incredible bliss!
_Maybe there is a universe which is only an infinate soft grassy plane with hills and many lights in the sky of all shapes and sizes and in this universe it is forever night so the light is always visible.
Perhaps there are universes where there is only sky and in the sky float great creatures with long snake-like bodies whose only purpose is to dance in the sky and they never need to eat or sleep.
Perhaps there are very simple universes which are endless spaces of colour or sound.
All would be untouched by any animal!
_To me these seem like beautiful places though the only things missing are the people to admire them!
Now a common one: What happens after Death?
- I have a number of theories of what happens after death:-
1) A part of us which is not flesh transfers itself to another universe and into another body and only the parting of the non-flesh part or 'soul' if you like, can open a way to another universe.
2) The non-flesh part goes to another dimention invisible to us though they can contact us in dreams, however every individual will see this dimention differently as it has no physical form it is just there and dreams, to me, form places to make sense of things.
3)We are existances more powerful than we know who survive by an invisible attatchment like thread to a flesh body and when that dies it moves onto a newborn body. This could explain 'Deja-vus' and telepathy - perhaps the threads of these existances cross and become one. Though these beings are powerful they start off as 'blank existances' then each experience in every world and every body builds up their personality. Perhaps one day we'll come to know these beings and learn how to save our world.
4)We become part of the coloured particles in the endless space
5) Everything we are is in our body and brain and when it cannot function anymore it shuts down like a computer and everything is lost unless it is somehow stored.
As humans we ask so many questions often in search of self and purpose and I personaly believe that our original purpose was and is still simply to breed, live and then die though as we have evolved I think we are able to create our own purposes.
And here I shall conclude my blog.
If you would like to comment on or correct anything I have said that would be nice!
Thank you for you attention!
Have fun being a human! (if that is what you are)
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